straw vote


straw vote 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an unofficial vote taken to obtain an indication of the general trend of opinion on a particular issue.

straw vote 近义词

n. 名词 noun

unofficial vote

更多straw vote例句

  1. Weiss is likely to get confirmed even as Warren and a handful of other progressive Democrats vote no.
  2. Asian-Americans may vote for Democrats now, but they are a highly persuadable—and growing—part of the electorate.
  3. In 1992, Republican George H.W. Bush won the Asian-American vote by 24 points.
  4. By 2012, Democratic President Barack Obama owned the Asian-American vote, winning it by 47 percentage points.
  5. But after winning 55 percent of the white vote, Duke had a database of supporters some politicians coveted.
  6. Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him.
  7. He reached up for her big, rough straw hat that hung on a peg outside the door, and put it on her head.
  8. In fact, so much of her smooth brow as could be seen under a broad-brimmed straw hat was wrinkled in a decided frown.
  9. He put on his big straw hat, and taking his umbrella from the stand in the hall, followed the lady in black, never overtaking her.
  10. The clear, straw-colored fluid which is left after separation of the coagulum is called blood-serum.